Spirituality with Delight | Creativity with Soul

Whether we are sitting silently together, poring over a poem or traditional text, exploring spontaneous creative expression, or bringing spiritual awareness to the activities of daily life, I aspire to bring in the reminder that practice is a sacred unfolding for its own sake. It’s about attending to those moments when we come alive, and stringing them together to form a good life.

If you or your community longs to connect, excavate, kibitz, illuminate, and rediscover, please reach out to start a conversation. I would love to create a program for you.


  • “Practicing with Alexander is such a treat.  He easily bridges the gap between ancient teachings and today's modern world.  Using humor, pop culture references, or song lyrics, he grounds teachings in the present.  He listens to everyone's experiences, takes a breath to consider them, and then responds in very gentle and sometimes unexpected ways from a place of shared experience and acceptance.”

    Bryan Van Diggele

  • "Alexander brings a human, comedic and deeply empathic touch to contemporary Judaism. A gifted speaker and storyteller, he evokes Jewish history, tradition and trauma with wit and brings them into a contemporary context, giving voice—and new meaning—to some of the questions, doubts, and skepticisms we've been silently thinking."

    Betsy Medvedovsky

  • “Alexander emanates a kind and present energy. I felt at peace in the container he created. I love his poems and stories, too.”

    Jet Eveleth

  • “I think the key element is Alexander's ability to almost instantly (and even on Zoom!) create the feeling of a safe, connected bubble in the class. It's a tone he sets, and it transcended what was being said; I could feel it energetically. Moreover, I felt like we could share any experience or thought or concern and it was met with great empathy and curiosity. The personal anecdotes and poetry he shared resonated greatly; I've found myself citing them to family and friends. I looked forward to the classes every week and didn't want to miss even a minute. I can now carry this class 'bubble' with me and tap into it whenever the need arises.”

    Sara Goldblatt